Letnia szkoła prawa obcego: II Summer School of Foreign Law for Russian and international students “Law and Innovations in the Context of New Socio-Economic Challenges”
Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w letniej szkole prawa obcego: II Summer School of Foreign Law for Russian and international students “Law and Innovations in the Context of New Socio-Economic Challenges”, organizowanej przez Kutafin State Law Univeristy. Zajęcia w ramach szkoły prawa obcego odbędą się za pomocą komunikatorów online w dniach 14-18 czerwca 2021 r.
Program szkoły przedstawia się następująco:
1. Technical Law as a Legislative Base for Innovative Development.
2. Legal Regulation of Innovation: Russian and foreign practice.
3. Features of FinTech’s legal regulation: banking, investment and insurance.
4. The correlation of investment and innovation: challenges for legislative harmonization.
5. Legal environment for venture capital activities in different jurisdictions.
6. Intellectual property protection and transformation vectors of intellectual rights.
7. Justice and effective institutions in the priorities of sustainable development of Russia.
Environmental law and the achievement of sustainable development.
8. Legal regulation of innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems.
9. Judicial practice for the protection of business reputation.
10. Legal instruments for implementing the Strategy for Scientific and Technological
Development of the Russian Federation - 2035.
11. Developing complementary practice in Russian and foreign companies and legal support
Termin zgłoszeń: do 10.05.2021 r.
Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w szkole, proszone są o kontakt z mgr A. Skolimowską (anna.skolimowska@apsl.edu.pl)